Kauai is one of those magical places that exist on our earth that seem more like a dream than reality. You have to pinch yourself to make sure you're really here, seeing the impossible beauty that surrounds you. It really is stunning and we saw firsthand as we stood atop the Kalalau Valley Lookout of the Napali Coast during our first day here.
The razor sharp ridges are green with foliage and the soil that was once lava has again become red as it erodes and oxidizes. There are waterfalls cascading into pristine pools, colorful flowers, and it just happens to be the perfect temperature on top of all of that (plus no creepy bugs!)
CCC Camps in Koke'e
We are beginning our visit here by working for the Koke'e Resource Conservation Project whose mission it is to save the native forests of Kauai. This is a program I volunteered for right out of college for 3 months in 2000. As many if you may know, Hawaii evolved in isolation without much competition between species, so many plants have lost their competitive advantages; for example there is a local raspberry that doesn't have thorns. Unfortunately, with the arrival of people comes invasive species that can easily outcompete the local plants. So, our job this week is to try and target certain invasive plants and kill them (a fancy way of saying that we are weeding), in hopes of saving the native forests that exist in some spots on Kauai. In order to do this work, we use machetes and crawl through thick vegetation seeking out the weeds, then we cut them and spray them with herbicide. I enjoy it because I am relearning the plants of Hawaii, (plus, how often do you get to use a machete?) but the work is pretty tiring. Today as we began our work we started with a Hawaiian chant that was sung by a staff member in Hawaiian, asking permission of the forest to enter and keep us safe. It was quite touching, and the first line translated to "Humbled, as travellers, we seek the light of Heaven as our guide."
Over the weekend, we backpacked into Weimea Canyon also known as the "Grand Canyon of the Pacific" and it's gorgeous. We hiked from the rim, down into the hot valley within. We had spectacular views along the way, and after 6 miles found ourselves at a spot called Lonamea. Here our campsite was adjacent to a river that has to be one of the most breathtaking places I've been to. Waterfalls cascade into perfect swimming holes, surrounded by the red cliffs of the canyon, banana trees, and flat rocks perfect for laying on. You can even take a ride into the pools on what the locals call "slide rock" which is like a natural waterslide. Drew kept saying "You couldn't design a place this great!" and its true, only nature could be this amazing!
Kauai is a place close to my heart, and there is something wonderful about coming back here, like a homecoming. There are few places I know that have all the right ingredients of paradise; natural beauty, varied landscape, golden beaches, 80 degree temps, and happy people. We're having a great time!
Sounds awesome - I'm jealous. You were drinking rum straight out of the bottle while in the caribbean, are probably now drinking rum mixed with Hawaiian Punch now that you're in Hawaii, and will soon be in Nepal enjoying the delicious nectar that is rum mixed with fermented Yak's milk. You should rename the blog, Drew and Erin's rum infused cross cultural journey.
When Drew says, "You couldn't design a place this great!" he has clearly forgotten my basement. Melis has done a great job designing down there...
You guys suck.
I didn't read this, but sounds like you guys are having fun!
Erin and Drew - Pictures are unbelievable! I have definitely enjoyed reading about your adventures thus far... continue safe travels...peace, kate
Sounds like you are having a blast and you are getting a workout swinging the machete (Drew you definitely need it). Drew, I hope you got to see your nemesis baseball team win the world series. Looking forward to seeing the new photos.
Honestly, I enjoy Pat's comments almost as much as I enjoy the blog. Keep 'em both coming.
Drew may say,"You couldn't design a place this great", but God can and does. Let all creation praise God always-psalm 148. Psalm 148 seems to indicate that God is given glory when created beings are allowed to ‘be’ all that He created them to be, in their beauty and wonder, their diversity, intricacy and majesty. This is an important truth for us – that the heart of praise lies in BEING what God has made us to be. The sun praises God by being the sun, a tree praises God by being a tree, an elephant praises God by being an elephant and we praise God by being the people God has made us to be. I'm glad you're following your dream and becoming all that God intended for you to be.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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